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To wrap up 2020, we went through all the questions asked for Kolie's weekend story AMAs and picked our favorites to expand on. The list of questions are in the show notes on the website, in order of appearance.
Show Notes 1. What was the most pivotal moment where your (you, Kolie) philosophy around coaching changed? What precipitated the change and why did it make such an impact? How did it create different results for your athletes? 2. Most overlooked “low hanging fruit” training? Most hyped marginal gain training? 3. How important is regular blood testing, and what should you get tested for? 4. Best single metric to track the short term regular progression of increased stroke volume? 5. Where does fat oxidation during cycling originate? Closest fat cell? 6. Is it true that becoming more fat adapted retards your body’s ability to use carbs? 7. Discuss balance between lactate production and combustion (aerobic/anaerobic) 8. How long does a sweetspot interval need to be relative to FTP TTE for maximum effectiveness? 9. Effect of increased muscle mass on FTP/VO2 for simplicity all other things equal 10. What’s the minimum time in z2 to promote adaptation? 11. Is there any significant difference in doing z2 at the top vs bottom of your “zone”? 12. What percentage of FTP do you consider z2 and how important to stay in range when training it? 13. How to keep my strength gains achieved this off season while shifting priorities to cycling? 14. Aerobic = long but also short + hard for 4-7min above anaerobic threshold = max aerobic. How? 15. Is there any truth to the endo/meso/ecto morph stuff? 16. What’s the most underrated training tip or strategy most people miss? 17. I know you’re all about #watts but do you have thoughts on HRV for measuring fitness? 18. Is there a benchmark number a cyclist should be shoot for for squats? 19. Any tips for recovery weeks apart from sleep? I always seem to come back flat.
In this first extended Ten Minute Tips, Kyle uses the extra time well to review his strategies to effectively read, digest, and understand any scientific paper. If you read papers along with us for the Watts Doc episodes, this may be a good playbook to pull from.
Cover art on this is an example of "data massage" as mentioned in the episode.
This episode looks at some cellular mechanisms of how HIT training leads to adaptation, or maybe doesn't. Ryanodine receptors, free radicals, calcium, the size principle, fluorescent mouse muscles, and more!
Show Notes Ryanodine receptor fragmentation and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak after one session of high-intensity interval exercise https://www.pnas.org/content/112/50/15492 High-Intensity Interval Training Shock Microcycle for Enhancing Sport Performance: A Brief Review https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2020/04000/High_Intensity_Interval_Training_Shock_Microcycle.39.aspx |
January 2025